Great Value for Everyone

  • Our Free version includes must-have features. It is sufficient for most servers. 
  • Affordable premium plans allow you to support our work and offer advanced features, higher limits, more customization and more AI credits every month.
  • A Custom Bot allows you to personalize the bot entirely to your brand.
Subo the Survey Bot


For smaller servers and standard users
Subo premium 100


For power users, mid-sized servers and awesome supporters!
Subo vip yellow 100


For larger servers, power users and generous supporters!
Generic bot 512


Your own bot, avatar and description with VIP features!
✓ Ticket system
✓ Premium support
✓ Premium support
✓ Premium Support
250 / survey
1000 / survey
10000 / survey
10000 / survey
Answer = Respondent x Question (eg. 60 respondents answering 5 questions = 60 x 5 = 300 answers)
1,000 / survey
5,000 / survey
50,000 / survey
50,000 / survey
Active surveys
Total surveys & polls stored. Delete old surveys to stay in a smaller tier.
10 / server
200 / server
400 / server
400 / server
Concurrent surveys
Surveys open or scheduled at the same time
5 / server
20 / server
40 / server
40 / server
Survey questions
10 / survey
30 / survey
50 / survey
50 / survey
Remove advertising
Customize invitations (footer, thumbnail, color), results and thank you messages
New response Notifications
New responses posted in a private channel with optional ping
Duplicate your polls and surveys
Delete some responses
Delete some or all responses from a survey or poll
Advanced survey authoring: min/max open text length & numeric values
Role reward
✗ 1 role server-wise for ever answering any poll/survey
✓ poll or survey-level
✓ poll or survey-level
✓ poll or survey-level
AI credits
Credits are needed to generate survey drafts with /draft and to summarize open-ended responses
10k one-off trial
✓ 500k / mo
✓ 1 million / mo
✓ 1 million / mo
XP system
including leaderboard and up to 5 role rewards based on overall XP
Role rewards based on monthly XP
Custom XP name, value
Custom bot name, avatar & bio
Subo the Survey Bot


For smaller servers and standard users
✓ Ticket system
250 / survey
Answer = Respondent x Question (eg. 60 respondents answering 5 questions = 60 x 5 = 300 answers)
1,000 / survey
Active surveys
Total surveys & polls stored. Delete old surveys to stay in a smaller tier.
10 / server
Concurrent surveys
Surveys open or scheduled at the same time
5 / server
Survey questions
10 / survey
Remove advertising
Customize invitations (footer, thumbnail, color), results and thank you messages
New response Notifications
New responses posted in a private channel with optional ping
Duplicate your polls and surveys
Delete some responses
Delete some or all responses from a survey or poll
Advanced survey authoring: min/max open text length & numeric values
Role reward
✗ 1 role server-wise for ever answering any poll/survey
AI credits
Credits are needed to generate survey drafts with /draft and to summarize open-ended responses
10k one-off trial
XP system
including leaderboard and up to 5 role rewards based on overall XP
Role rewards based on monthly XP
Custom XP name, value
Custom bot name, avatar & bio
Subo premium 100


For power users, mid-sized servers and awesome supporters!
✓ Premium support
1000 / survey
Answer = Respondent x Question (eg. 60 respondents answering 5 questions = 60 x 5 = 300 answers)
5,000 / survey
Active surveys
Total surveys & polls stored. Delete old surveys to stay in a smaller tier.
200 / server
Concurrent surveys
Surveys open or scheduled at the same time
20 / server
Survey questions
30 / survey
Remove advertising
Customize invitations (footer, thumbnail, color), results and thank you messages
New response Notifications
New responses posted in a private channel with optional ping
Duplicate your polls and surveys
Delete some responses
Delete some or all responses from a survey or poll
Advanced survey authoring: min/max open text length & numeric values
Role reward
✓ poll or survey-level
AI credits
Credits are needed to generate survey drafts with /draft and to summarize open-ended responses
✓ 500k / mo
XP system
including leaderboard and up to 5 role rewards based on overall XP
Role rewards based on monthly XP
Custom XP name, value
Custom bot name, avatar & bio
Subo vip yellow 100


For larger servers, power users and generous supporters!
✓ Premium support
10000 / survey
Answer = Respondent x Question (eg. 60 respondents answering 5 questions = 60 x 5 = 300 answers)
50,000 / survey
Active surveys
Total surveys & polls stored. Delete old surveys to stay in a smaller tier.
400 / server
Concurrent surveys
Surveys open or scheduled at the same time
40 / server
Survey questions
50 / survey
Remove advertising
Customize invitations (footer, thumbnail, color), results and thank you messages
New response Notifications
New responses posted in a private channel with optional ping
Duplicate your polls and surveys
Delete some responses
Delete some or all responses from a survey or poll
Advanced survey authoring: min/max open text length & numeric values
Role reward
✓ poll or survey-level
AI credits
Credits are needed to generate survey drafts with /draft and to summarize open-ended responses
✓ 1 million / mo
XP system
including leaderboard and up to 5 role rewards based on overall XP
Role rewards based on monthly XP
Custom XP name, value
Custom bot name, avatar & bio
Generic bot 512


Your own bot, avatar and description with VIP features!
✓ Premium Support
10000 / survey
Answer = Respondent x Question (eg. 60 respondents answering 5 questions = 60 x 5 = 300 answers)
50,000 / survey
Active surveys
Total surveys & polls stored. Delete old surveys to stay in a smaller tier.
400 / server
Concurrent surveys
Surveys open or scheduled at the same time
40 / server
Survey questions
50 / survey
Remove advertising
Customize invitations (footer, thumbnail, color), results and thank you messages
New response Notifications
New responses posted in a private channel with optional ping
Duplicate your polls and surveys
Delete some responses
Delete some or all responses from a survey or poll
Advanced survey authoring: min/max open text length & numeric values
Role reward
✓ poll or survey-level
AI credits
Credits are needed to generate survey drafts with /draft and to summarize open-ended responses
✓ 1 million / mo
XP system
including leaderboard and up to 5 role rewards based on overall XP
Role rewards based on monthly XP
Custom XP name, value
Custom bot name, avatar & bio